Gain invaluable insights

An AlfaSent license will pay itself back many times over

At AlfaSent we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all pricing system. Whether your company is just venturing into the world of feedback analysis or you are a seasoned professional with large amounts of data who wants upgrade the quality of the analysis, we have just the pricing tier for you.

Tier 1 - Starter

For companies who are just getting started with feedback analysis

Tier 2 - Professional

For companies with a big influx of feedback

Additional Services

Do you already use a labeling system and want to map this with our AI? Are you looking for a system that recognizes your specific product names with high accuracy, without having to do any manual labeling yourself? We’ve got you covered!

Our AI is built in such a way, that it can easily be customized to your needs. This is how we can help:

Want to learn more about our offering?

We are happy to answer any questions you might have.